For Employers
The information provided on this page is intended for employers. It outlines options available for corporately-funded counselling/psychotherapy and coaching programs presented in either a standardised format or tailor-made to suit employers' requirements.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Providing corporately funded counselling/psychotherapy can be a useful method of supporting the health and wellbeing of your staff.
Counselling/psychotherapy can support employees through any number of circumstances and consequently can prove an invaluable resource for employers. It can support employees through various changes in personal circumstance and challenging or stressful events, such as bereavement, threat of possible redundancy, compulsory redundancy, return to work after long-term ill health, being the subject of /witness to grievance or disciplinary matters.
Counselling/psychotherapy can also offer employees the chance to explore personal issues that can have an impact in the work place, such as anger management, self esteem/self confidence concerns, personality clashes in the work place and persistent short-term absence or lateness.
If you are an employer in, or have offices in, Derby, Nottingham or the local area and would like to offer your staff counselling/psychotherapy I can provide you with either an ‘off-the-shelf’ employee assistance program (EAP), or the opportunity to discuss a package tailor-made to suit your employees.
The standard program includes:
Initial assessment session with employee
Up to a further 10 face to face sessions subsequently
Short employers’ report on completion of last session
Dedicated venue, easily accessible in central Derby
Opportunity for employee to continue counselling privately,
or receive referral on to appropriate alternative sources of support
To discuss your requirements or for further information please contact me: Katherine Akroyd either using the contact form, or directly by email or mobile 07808 584 203.
Management, Leadership and Executive Coaching
Providing coaching can be a powerful motivating tool as well as developing staff.
Coaching can support employees in any number of ways. It can support and sign post employees as they take on increased or new responsibilities, such as newly promoted managers, new employees or graduate trainees.
Coaching offers a unique opportunity for managers and senior staff to explore, in a confidential and independent space, a range of issues, such as:- Strategic decision-making
- Understanding management and leadership styles & how they impact staff/direct subordinates
- Understanding personal impact in the workplace
- Inspiring and driving through change in the workplace
- Handling change personally, and how change impacts employees in the workplace
If you are an employer in, or have offices in, Derby, Nottingham or the local area and would like to offer coaching to your employee(s) I can provide you with either an ‘off-the-shelf’ management coaching program, or the opportunity to discuss a package tailor-made to suit your requirements, whether for an individual or targeting a particular employee group.
The standard program includes:
Initial scoping session of 2 hours
Up to 5 further face to face 2 hour sessions subsequently
Held at regular intervals (usually 6-8 weeks) to suit work demands
On or off site subject to employers preference.
To discuss your requirements or for further information please contact me: Katherine Akroyd either using the contact form, or directly by email or mobile 07808 584 203.